YP - Legacy
UDAC2 Column3 Column
1HS15 x 3 picas15 x 3 picas
1MS15 x 4p6 picas15 x 4p6 picas
2HS15 x 6 picas15 x 6 picas
3HS15 x 9 picas15 x 9 picas
4HS15 x 12 picas15 x 12 picas
5HS15 x 15 picas15 x 15 picas
6HS15 x 18 picas15 x 18 picas
8HS15 x 24 picas15 x 24 picas
QC15 x 12 picas15 x 14p6 picas
DTS31 x 10 picasn/a
DQC31 x 12 picas31 x 14p6 picas
TQCn/a47 x 14p6 picas
LAn/a15 x 25p6 picas
DHCn/a31 x 30 picas
HC15 x 25 picasn/a
HP31 x 25 picas47 x 30 picas
TQPn/a47 x 45p6 picas
FP31 x 51 picas47 x 61 picas
TM15 x 6 picas15 x 6 picas
CTM15 x 12 picas15 x 12 picas
YP - Simplified
UDAC2 Column3 Column
3HSU15 x 9 picas15 x 9 picas
A3HSU15 x 9 picas15 x 9 picas
5HSU15 x 15 picas15 x 15 picas
A5HSU15 x 15 picas15 x 15 picas
DQCU31 x 12 picas31 x 14p6 picas
TQCUn/a47 x 14p6 picas
HPU31 x 25 picas47 x 30 picas
FPU31 x 51 picas47 x 61 picas

Pubco: 997 962 927 913 908 836 829 815 760 724 717 514

Notes YP

Fonts: Finding line font size 8 pts
Address/phn line (condensed font allowed) font size 7 pts
Minimum text font size 6
May include registered marks in finding line

Simplified UDACs to start January 2019:

New Trademark UDACs (March 2019):
. White background ad (knockout)
. Black finding line and rule lines
. Up to three spot colors allowed for text
. Only text and/or logo may appear in color
. Body Copy: text is placed under the finding line to the left of the logo
. “Where to Buy” line must appear in black
. 2 Columns – 180pt. x 72pt.
. 3 Columns – 180pt. x 72pt.

. White background ad (knockout)
. Black finding line and rule lines
. Up to three spot colors allowed for text
. Only text and/or logo may appear in color
. Body Copy: text is placed centered below the logo
. “Where to Buy” line must appear in black
2 Columns – 180pt. x 144pt.
3 Columns – 180pt. x 144pt.

grandfathered/legacy udacs: 6HS, 8HS, LA, DQC, DHC, HP, FP, DT
March 2019 Update: 2HS & 4HS no longer allowed – Must be converted to 3HSU & 5HSU.
2 Column DHC’s no longer allowed – Must be converted to HPU.

Anchor listing phrase: *See Display Ad this classification

Toll Free Numbers: Toll free phrase not required local address and toll free numbers allowed on same line

Color specs:

Space listings with a W in the udac are allowed process color logos but YP spot color in body copy
Spot Color Mixes (PDF Notes)

White pages: WLOGR is now 30% black (not pink).

Click here for changes to White Page UDACs – color removal

website: https://national.dexyp.com/login/
username: kkern@ypm.com
password: YPMin92612!

Last updated 3/27/2019