UDAC2 Column3 Column4 Column
1HS15p10 x 3 picas14p2 x 3 picas10p4 x 3 picas
1MS15p10 x 4p6 picas14p2 x 4p6 picas10p4 x 4p6 picas
2HS15p10 x 6 picas14p2 x 6 picas10p4 x 6 picas
3HS15p10 x 9 picas14p2 x 9 picas10p4 x 9 picas
4HS15p10 x 12 picas14p2 x 12 picas10p4 x 12 picas
5HS15p10 x 15 picas14p2 x 15 picas10p4 x 15 picas
6HS15p10 x 18 picas14p2 x 18 picas10p4 x 18 picas
8HS15p10 x 24 picas14p2 x 24 picas10p4 x 24 picas
QC15p10 x 11p8 picas14p2 x 14p6 picas10p4 x 14p6 picas
DQC32p8 x 11p8 picas29p4 x 14p6 picas21p9 x 14p6 picas
TQC32p8 x 17p9 picas44p6 x 14p6 picas33p1 x 14p6 picas
DHC32p8 x 23p10 picas29p4 x 29p6 picas21p9 x 29p6 picas
THCn/an/a33p1 x 29p6 picas
HP32p8 x 23p10 picas44p6 x 29p6 picas44p6 x 29p6 picas
FP32p8 x 48p2 picas44p6 x 59p6 picas44p6 x 59p6 picas
TM15p10 x 6 picas14p2 x 6 picas10p4 x 6 picas
CTM15p10 x 12 picas14p2 x 12 picas10p4 x 12 picas
WDQCU32p8 x 12 picas28p5 x 14p6 picasn/a
WHPU32p8 x 24 picas42p10 x 29p6 picasn/a
WFPU32p8 x 48 picas42p10 x 58p9 picasn/a
W3HSU15p10 x 9 picas14p2 x 9 picasn/a
W3HCU15p10 x 9 picas14p2 x 9 picasn/a
W5HSU15p10 x 15 picas14p2 x 15 picasn/a

SPR Pubco: 773 766 710 694 681 675 622 577 542
DEX Pubco: 883 822 794 730 687 668 651 626 569


Finding line font size 9.5pt
May include registered marks in finding line
Primary address – 8.5pt Helvetica Narrow
Phone line font – 8.5pt News Gothic Bold
Minimum text font size 6pt

Special Notes:
SPR must have address/phone lines at the bottom of space listing. DEX okey not to have address/phone lines at the bottom.

Anchor listing phrase:
Leave 2 lines blank at bottom of space listing. Publisher supplies anchor phrase.

Toll Free Numbers:
SPR toll free phone numbers must use toll free phrase before phone number (not on same line as a local address).
DEX local address and toll free numbers allowed on the same line.

Free art in space listings:
542: Free Art on 3HS and above
569: Free Art on 3HS and above
622: Free Art on 3HS and above
626: Free Art on 2HS and above
651: Free Art on 3HS and above
682: No free art in space listings
766: Free Art on 3HS and above
773: Free Art on 3HS and above
794: No free art in space listings
822: No free art in space listings
883: Free Art on 3HS and above

Color Specs:
Process color allowed in all space listing universal UDACs (ending in U) as well color border.
Full color art, logos, or photos may be used.
The finding line has to be the same color as the border in all publications.
Space listings may include line art or photos in full color
See PDF for colors (page 6).

PPLP: Double border (6pt point outer and 1pt inner). Black default but be different if requested.

White Pages:
All ads have 30% Black Highlight.
Use black and white and grayscale only in White Page Ads
Minimum font size is 6pt.
Finding Line is Optional.
Address line is optional.
Internet addresses are acceptable in place of physical addresses.
Phone numbers may not appear in a reverse box.
Only 1 piece of artwork is allowed per ad.
Credit Card logos are allowed as art pieces. They can be combined into one art piece.

Pub codes 794, 822 & 913 for in-column ad, the information will be pulled from the Thryv system.

Specifications Download

password: 480YPM92612

Last updated 4/23/2020