Artist: Henry Bui

MM: Lindsay Friedlander

Client Logo
Client Space

YP – A5HSU Example

YP – 5HSU (With Extra Bullets)

Client Display

HP Example (Updated Image 4/19)

Please see notes for more information.

Artwork Notes

Display Artwork:
   • See example.
   • New image (family in forest)
   • Locations organized in gray box.
   • Update URL as provided.
   • Outsmart Life™ should right align
      with logo box at the top.

Space Listings:
   • See example.
   • DEX/SPR HSU’s use red border.
   • URL not included.
   • If space permits, use 3 additional bullets:
        • Competitive rates
        • Legendary reliability
        • Member discounts

Last updated 4/5/19